If you simply have a question, we generally have the answer. If you have code issues, we will gladly do the research to point you in the right direction and keep you in compliance. We have NY State certified Code Enforcement Officials on staff. They have years of experience with the code. If we can’t answer your questions, we know the right people to contact to get you an answer. We stay up to date with memberships in NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), NYSBOC (NY State Building Officials Conference), and NAFED (National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors).
We can also contact your code official and determine exactly what he wants. We provide job submittals for new work and can provide a plan of correction for existing violations.
Have a job that needs a certified Professional Engineer? We work closely with engineers in several fields and can make the right recommendation, when you need a professional.
Call us…we can help.